Quora4KdpMintbems – My Blog

Amazon KDP Best Seller SECRET Finally REVEALED!

Set & Forget Method To Help You SELL More Books On Amazon KDP & Make Over $1000 Every Month  Using FREE & Paid CHEAP  Laser Targeted Traffic!

“Plus Access To Over 3000 Hot Ebooks That You Can REBRAND & PUBLISH” Or RESELL And Keep All The Profits For Yourself Including Bonuses Worth Over $20,000



Dear Self Publisher,

Are you struggling to sell your self-published books on Amazon KDP and other platforms?


Would you like to learn how to sell more  paperback books, low content books,

no content books and Kindle ebooks on Amazon KDP & other self publishing

platform using 100% FREE targeted traffic from QUORA?


What if i showed you a risk free method, that works on autopilot, something that

you can just set, forget and go back to your daily activities while it helps you print thousands of dollars on demand from your published books, using exactly the

same method that I and my students used to achieve these results below?

If you have answered yes, then you are in the right place, just keep reading.

Now imagine if you could actually have your books in front of the right people, the right AUDIENCE who would be INTERESTED in buying them right away without DELAY!

People who actually have that PURCHASING POWER, and need the contents of your book to solve their PRESSING NEEDS!

Sounds interesting right?

I know you’re probably anxious at this stage, and very eager to learn more, but before i proceed, allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Martin, and I've been a self published author for a little over 5 years now, with several best selling books to my credit, but the journey wasn't easy for me because i FAILED at first with self publishing, and it took me years of TRIAL & ERROR, until I discovered a simple HACK that helped take my book publishing HUSTLE to another level.

Now, here’s the thing

A lot of self published authors on Amazon KDP & other self publishing platforms have something in common, and it’s the INABILITY to sell their books! 

Simply put, no one is BUYING THEIR BOOKS!

Trust me, I know how it feels to spend precious hours creating books, researching keywords and designing book covers, and still your books don’t sell!

When I started my self-publishing journey in the summer of 2019, I poured my heart and soul into my books, and created at least 5 books per day. I was very excited, the mere thought of having an additional source of RECURRING PASSIVE INCOME in DOLLARS for life, filled my heart with JOY! 

Just so you know, i learnt from one of the very best self-published authors on Amazon “Dave Cheeson” , web master at Kindlepreneur, and owner of the best KDP keyword and book category research tool "PUBLISHER ROCKET".

I had already started picturing myself living the life of my DREAMS, because I was super confident in my writing abilities and I had very strong belief that my books would sell in thousands, but my imagination failed me, and my wishful thinking brought me back to REALITY

Slowly, days turned into weeks, weeks turned to months, and my books were not selling, they were just there, looking at me like a PILE OF RUBBISH stacked up against the wall on my Amazon KDP publisher dashboard.

At that point, I could feel DEPRESSION creeping in!

I kept wondering what I was doing wrong. My friends in the same circle were MAKING thousands of dollars on Amazon KDP every month, and I was here with nothing but my books staring right back at me with their fancy book covers! 

I thought of quitting several times and going back to my other side hustles, but giving up was never going to be an option me, so i remembered Vincent Lombardi’s quote;

Quitters never win, and winners never quit”, 

Then and there i decided to face my struggles head on, with renewed vigor and the determination to succeed with self publishing at any cost.

For me, it was a case of No RETREAT, No SURRENDER as my Naija people will always say in pidgin english, “We DIE Here”, meaning it’s win or BUST! I was going to succeed and, indeed, my perseverance paid off.


The Game Changer! 

I spent  more time studying the book publishing market, and trying to understand and figure out a way to get my books to sell. So I focused my attention on the top 5 best selling authors on Amazon at that time, and they were;

  • Steve Harvey 
  • Diana Gabaldon 
  • James Clear 
  • Freida McFadden
  • Oprah Winfrey

These authors had something in common, they were famous, and had a massive AUDIENCE that would buy anything they published! When i realized this, I knew I had struck gold, and I was onto something big, 


My problem now was, how do I find my own AUDIENCE? How do I find people who would be interested in my book! People who were ready to BUY my books without Thinking twice!

Take it from me, it doesn't matter if your book is well written, properly formatted or if it has the best designed BOOK COVER! Your book might possess all these qualities and still won't sell if you don't know how to push it in front of the right PEOPLE who need it or if people who need it, can't see it

So, i went back to the drawing board, and kept searching for the best way to get my books in front of people who were actually INTERESTED in them. I tried different platforms, but the results were not encouraging until I discovered a relatively “UNTAPPED” source of pushing my books to the right AUDIENCE who needed them.

It’s been over 2 years now, and the results have been AMAZING, notifications about my monthly Amazon KDP Royalty Payouts keeps buzzing my phone on the 21st of each month.

Here's The Truth

It’s becoming very difficult to sell your books on Amazon KDP and other self publishing platforms. If you're a self-published author. The competition is becoming tougher with each passing day as more people get into the book publishing game.

It's not about how well designed your book covers are or number of pages that your book has, these are not the major factors to help you sell more books on Amazon KDP because i and some of my students have published 15-20 page books on Amazon and these books have sold thousands of copies, because we know just how to find and locate our target AUDIENCE!

Now, think about this!

Have you ever wondered why the market women who make the loudest noise in the market end up selling more items than the quiet, shy and reserved ones? 

It's simply because they know how to advertise their products in front of customers who need them.

Make no mistake about it, Self Publishing is a very PROFITABLE side HUSTLE that can pay you for life, if you have the right strategy that will get your books noticed in Amazon’s already crowded marketplace. I’ve made more money from Amazon KDP than all my other side hustles combined! 

And if you would let me, I want to guide you on the right path, the path to FINANCIAL freedom, a once in a lifetime opportunity to get into the GAME and strike GOLD while the IRON is still hot!

Permit me to share the same exact STRATEGY that has been making me nothing less than $1000 every month in recurring royalties from books that I published 4 years ago! 


The Quora 4 Amazon KDP System

A Simple HACK To Help You Sell More Books On Amazon KDP And Make At Least $1000 Monthly Using FREE & PAID Laser Targeted Traffic From QUORA

buy now


Quora is a Q & A (question and answer) platform that allows users to seek and share information on a wide range of topics. From an information-seeking perspective, Quora can be seen as a valuable resource for individuals who are looking to learn about a particular subject or seek expert advice on a specific topic.

For self-published authors, Quora is the perfect place to showcase their expertise, connect with potential readers, and ultimately sell more books. With millions of users asking and answering questions on a wide range of topics, Quora provides an unparalleled opportunity to get your book in front of the right people.

For example, let's say you published a book on "WEIGHT LOSS", and you target audience are people interested in "WEIGHT LOSS & It's Related Topics", with Quora you can reach up to 30 million people who have shown interest in topics related to weight loss alone.

Also, Quora has over 350 million monthly active users, who are eager to learn about a particular subject or seek expert advice, and 65% of Quora's active monthly users are from TIER 1 Countries like


  • The United States
  • Canada 
  • Australia 
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia

Book sales from these countries contributes to at least 75% of the total book sales on Amazon KDP because people from TIER 1 countries have that PURCHASING POWER, they are ready to BUY your books without thinking TWICE

I Will Say It AGAIN!

Quora is a big source of potential readers who are actively searching for information on a wide range of topics, including those that your book may cover, and by sharing your knowledge and expertise through thoughtful answers to relevant questions, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and generate interest in your book. 

No matter your niche, there's a HUNGRY AUDIENCE on Quora waiting to see your book and BUY it.

In addition, Quora allows you to include links to your book in your profile and answers, providing a direct path for interested readers to purchase your book on Amazon KDP

The beauty of this system is that you can LEVERAGE on Quora's super targeted traffic base to drive traffic to your books for FREE, even if you don't have money to run PAID ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS on Quora. So it'a WIN-WIN situation for YOU. 

Plus, if you are TREND & Breaking News Model publisher on Amazon KDP, you can easily find hot trending topics to write about from QUORA.

Finally, with its engaged user base and ability to drive targeted traffic to your book, Quora is a powerful tool for authors looking to boost their sales and expand their audience, and only very few people know about this, so it's either you get in now and take advantage of it before the system get's OVERCROWDED or regret this missed oppportunity that can change your life for ever. 

I have also used this same method for my affiliate marketing on Jvzoo and WarriorPlus, check out my results below 

Who Is This Course For?

  • Self Published Authors On Amazon KDP & Other Related Platforms Who Want To Sell More Copies Of Their Books

  • Affiliate marketers looking for a cheap way to drive HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC to their affiliate links

  • Entrepreneurs looking for more ways to make money from home

  • Professionals who want to improve their knowledge and authority in a field or niche

  • Freelancers who want to get a skill and start making money online from the skill

What You Will Learn...

This Quora 4 Amazon KDP system is a step-by-step, hands-on guide that will teach you how to scale up your self publishing hustle and sell more books using FREE & Paid traffic from QUORA, but that's not all! You'll also learn

  • The A-Z of Quora Ads and how to set up your account

  • How to use Quora's organic traffic to promote your book for free

  • How to select the best QUORA AD format for your Amazon KDP book AD campaign.

  • How to find the best KEYWORDS, QUESTIONS, INTEREST, BEHAVIORS & TOPICS to target in your Quora AD campaigns.

  • How to create effective ads that drive traffic to your book's on Amazon 

  • How to target your ideal audience and optimize your ads for maximum ROI

  • How to retarget your audience and increase your conversion rates

  • How to create engaging content that Quora's users will love

  • How to make money from your contents on QUORA

  • How to build a loyal following of readers who are eager to buy your next book

  • How to find the best Amazon KDP Alternatives to self publish your books on

  • How to use free traffic from Quora to promote any affiliate product

  • How to track your progress and analyze your results and lot's more

After taking this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills to use Quora's FREE and paid traffic to increase your book sales on Amazon Kindle and other self-publishing platforms

You'll also be able to create effective ad campaigns that targets your ideal audience, drive more traffic to your books on Amazon, and ultimately increase your sales to achieve that BEST SELLER RANK!

Why Do You Need This?

For every problem, there is a solution, and I believe the reason why you are on this page is because you want to sell more copies of your books or probably because you haven’t sold any copies of your books since you started this self publishing journey!

Trust me!

I’ve been there before, and believe me when i say, i’ve seen it all and done it all when it comes to the BOOK PUBLISHING hustle. And that is why I decided to put all my wealth of experience into creating this program so you too can benefit from it because I believe CARING is SHARING & SHARING is CARING.

This Is Not To BRAG, But My Students Are Crushing It Using Exactly Same Method!

Check out what some of my students are doing

That's not all

If you hit the “ORDER NOW” button, right now, you’ll not only be getting access to my “QUORA FOR AMAZON KDP” course, i will also give you unrestricted access to my “GIANT EBOOK VAULT”, a massive collection of over 3,000 ebooks that you can rebrand as your own and SELL on Amazon KDP and other self publishing platform!

buy now


You heard that right. This ebook vault contains over 3,000 different ebooks in different money spinning niches on Amazon such as 

  • Make Money Online Niche

  • Health Niche

  • Love & Relationship Niche

  • Parenting Niche

  • Business & Money Niche

  • Self Help Niche & Lot's More

Even if you are the busy type, and you don’t have time to sit down and create books, then this is just perfect for you because I have done all the HARD WORK for you by providing you with HOT IN DEMAND books that will sell like HOT CAKE on Amazon. All you need to do is REBRAND & PUBLISH!

Plus! I will give you lifetime access to my QuillBot Premium Account (The Best AI Tool For Rewriting Text), and I will also show you how to rebrand these books using QuillBot and ChatGPT to make them UNIQUE and ORIGINAL

You’ll also learn how to create Eye Catching & Attractive Book Covers that will help your books sell..

Checkout all the fast action bonuses that you’ll receive below

  • Access To 3000 Ebooks In Different MONEY SPINNING NICHES That You Can Rebrand & Publish

  • Lifetime Access To QuillBot Premium

  • Lifetime Access To Over 150 Premium SEO & Digital Marketing Tools That You Can Use For FREE!

  • Access To My Content Library That Contains 300,000 Well Optimized SEO Articles In Over 30 Different Niches That You Can Use For Your BLOGS/WEBSITES Or Even Resell Them And Keep All The Profit For Yourself!

  • Access To My Make Money Online Community On Telegram Where You Will Have Access To Lot’s Of Premium Resources To Help You Succeed And Make Online & Lots More FREEBIES!

Total Bonus Value: $20,000!!

Everything Today For A One-Time Fee!

With the knowledge and information that i put together inside this course, plus it’s attractive bonuses, i could decide to prize it at well over $299
(179,000) because the contents of this course can make you thousands of dollars every month on Amazon KDP


I Could even give a 50% discount and sell it for $149 (89,400), but i’ve decided to make it affordable, REASONABLY PRICED & POCKET FRIENDLY for everyone to benefit from it, only if you are willing to take action now and hit the “BUY NOW BUTTON

All it takes to get access to this AMAZON KDP GAME CHANGER is a one time fee of just $38.99 (19,495), which can’t pay for three packets of JUMBO SIZED pizza’s that will be pooped out in a few hours, you can agree with me that it’s very affordable.

Sounds crazy, right?

Well, don’t just stand there and sit on the fence..

Remember, ACTION takers always get their reward. The discount price won’t stay forever. As soon as the timer button is up, the PRICE will go back to $149 (89,400) for good! 


  0  0
  0  1
  6  0
  0  0

You missed out!

What’s More,

The lessons are easy to understand and implement, and you can also learn at your own pace even if you have a regular 9-5 job.


Plus you’ll have unrestricted access to me if you have any difficulties along the way, which I’m convincingly sure that you wont because my students have been crushing it, and i know you can even do better because I BELIEVE in you.

Here's more, your purchase is protected by an IRON-CLAD 30 Days Money Back Guarantee 100% refund if you implement everything that i’ve taught without getting any positive result, plus you’ll get to keep everything including my mouth watering bonuses!

100% Money Back Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Money-Back Guarantee. But, you’ll need to show proof that you did implement all you learnt without success!

Still Having Doubts?

Let me tell you a little secret that only best sellers on Amazon KDP know about.

To sell more books on KDP, you need an AUDIENCE, people who are interested in your books, because every book you PUBLISH on Amazon has an AUDIENCE

Now, it’s your job as a self publisher to find these people because Amazon has already provided you with a platform to make your book available.

So, how then can you find these people who will pay for your book without thinking twice?

How can you locate your TARGET AUDIENCE

You’ll learn everything in this course, and after taking, and implementing all that you’ve learnt if you still find it hard to sell your books, then i will REFUND you and even compensate you for wasting your time. 

But i know, it won’t get to that point because i have taken my TIME to create this program, that even a 10 year old can understand and implement.

Don’t take it from me, my records speaks for me!

Got Questions? 

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions

What will i be getting when i place an order?

After placing your order, you will receive your user login details to access the course contents and bonuses as soon as your payment has been confirmed.

Is this a one time or recurring payment?

It is a one time payment, no hidden charges, no recurring fees.

Do i need to run ADS?

Not at all.  If you implement all you learnt in the course, you can still drive free targeted traffic and scale up with ads

Will the lessons be updated regularly?

Yes. The course contents will be updated regularly.

Will i receive the bonuses for this course?

Yes. Everyone that buys this course will receive all the bonuses listed and much more.

Will you mentor me on how to get started?

I always do my best to respond to each and everyone of my students, feel free to reach out to me concerning any aspect of the course, and i will surely respond as fast as i can.

Miss It, Miss-Out?

This course isn't just about learning how to sell more books on Amazon KDP and other self publishing platforms using BUYER TRAFFIC FROM QUORA, because you will also learn how to do the following.

1. Drive traffic to your affiliate links

2. Build your profile as an authority in any niche

3. Make money and monetize your contents on Quora

4. Become a certified QUORA ADS expert

4. All Of These Are Valuable Skills That You Can Offer For Thousands Of Dollars As A FREELANCER!

Don't Miss This For Anything, The Discount Price Is Only Available For The First 40 Persons ONLY!

Click The "ORDER NOW" Button Below To Gain Access!

buy now

Disclaimer: The results stated above are my personal results as well as that of my students. Please understand that results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of having years of experience. The average person who follows any “how-to” information gets little to no results if they fail to learn the ropes before implementing. 

I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you. 

This Site is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, Snapchat, Twitter or any other social media platform in any way.

All product names, logos and brands are property’s of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos and brands does not only imply endorsement.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of META INC, YOUTUBE & GOOGLE are trademarks of Google LLC, TWITTER is a trademark of Twitter INC, SNAPCHAT is a trademark of SnapChat INC.

NettPreneurLLC 2023 - Disclaimer

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