Acquire the knowledge of registering business names, companies, and Incorporated trustees with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and learn now to make enough money from it even if you take it as a side hustle

Are you a Young Nigerian who wants to make legit money online by helping people secure their business registration?

Do you want to…..earn N100,000—N300,000 monthly with this business opportunity?..learn to register your business without costly lawyers or agents?..become an expert in CAC registrations? recognized as a consultant who offers valuable business advice?

Then this is the best thing you’ve seen on the internet today

Here’s Why: I Used To Be
A Struggling B.Sc Degree Holder

I had just graduated from school with no money nor hope for a job..Couldn’t pay for my convocation and couldn’t even attend for lack of clothes.It was then that it dawned on me that I needed to save myself one way or another.And shortly before NYSC in 2019..
I got some money to rent a shop, got some used computers and started a business centre
…where I did CAC registration, internet services, passport photo etc.As month rolls by, I began to do at least 10 registrations every month making me at least 100k monthly.Today, I can boast of at least 20-30 registrations per month coming mostly from referrals, generating new clients and contract jobs

Here’s a slideshow of a few works ==>


This businsess became the turning point for me – This is me now

How Lucrative Is This Business?

During COVID-19 relief programs in 2020/21..The FGN decided to give out free CAC certificates to 250,000 small businesses, guess how many applied?Freaking Three million applications were received!!Yet only 250,000 were eventually selected.Now imagine that you got to register just 10 of those millions of businesses who were unregistered, how much would you have made?A lot of lawyers don’t bother to go to court againTell me, if it’s not bringing in money, why would they focus so much on it?I will tell you for free:
You can make N100,000 – N200,000 or more per month
I have achieved this many times and have seen many others do it, which makes me believe you can too.

But hold on..Why is CAC Registration is Important? (you may be wondering)

CAC registration would:💡 Boost your trust, credibility, and access to huge contracts and investors.💡 Give a business access to loans, grants, and support from the government.💡 Help a business open a business/corporate bank account.💡 Ensure continuity for your business even after death.💡 Simplify visa approvals.💡 Show that you are serious about your business or NGO.

But that’s not all…

I’ve Also Shared This Amazing Business Opportunity with People Who Have Also Used It To Change Their Financial Situations

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Here’s the thing:

Several people charge sky rocketed prices just to teach others how to register business under CAC.

Sadly, I had always done the same thing..I’ve always charged a premium fee for this training in the past…But today, I want to do something that I never thought I would ever do.Something that will make my oher mentees very angry if they ever heard a word of it in public.For a limited time and to a limited number of personsI will be giving you an opportunity to learn this Super amazing Business Model strategy from me via a Practical Online Class at a RIDICULOUSLY low rate.In this training, you’ll learn everything there is to know about the registering of businesses with CAC…the same strategies that turned my financial stroy around.

Here’s some of the major things you will learn in this training

🔵 How to do business name registration🔵 How to do limited liability company registration🔵 How to register an NGO/Church🔵 Differences between business name and limited liability company🔵How to avoid name disapproval and resolve queries🔵 How to make 200k-400k a month doing CAC registration🔵 How to get clients to give you jobs

but that’s not all..
I added a special just to make this even more valuable to you

🔵 Access to my SELL LIKE A PRO COURSE that enables you to sell anything online (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc) (worth N20,000).🔵 We’ll have periodical Practical sessions /mentorship sessons to give you real time help incase you have difficulties anywhere in your journey

Everything you’re getting is well worth over N200k

But, I’m not going to charge you the 200k it is worth…Or 100kNot even N50kOr even 20k which si the normal charge for this training..Remember what I said about giving you access to this training for a ridiculously low price?Well, I’ve decided to give you access to this entire training for a one time fee of N15,000.That’s all you have to pay for this trainig that can generate you x10 of that…in a few months time, if only you’ll be consitent and serious at this.Like my students ==>

Click the button below to register and get the course

My main aim of doing this class is to help…I know what it feels like to have zero source of income
…trust me, I’ve been there.
Things are expensive. Inflation is on the rise…The economy is in shambles.
I understand that all you want is to be able to make enough money to take care of yourself…
And provide for your family.
That’s exactly why I created this training for you…
Cos i believe that this can be a turning point for youTruth is…I’d have opted to do it for FREE. But we both know that people don’t value free stuff.Besides, this is too valuable to offer for free – My conscience will kill meUnfortunately, I cant promise to keep this low price for very long..It’s only for a limited time and just for the first 30 people to grab the offer.Immediately after that, ill revert this back to it’s original price

Click the button below to register and get the course while its still very affordable

(Few slots available)


I can assure you what you will get from this training (plus the bonuses) will be worth 100x what you are about to pay now.But if after going through the training, and the practical sessions and you are still not able to successfully carry out cac registrations on your ownJust ask for a refund of your money and you will be credited asap with a written apology for wasting your time.No questions asked!

I have taught this skill to sevral young Nigerians..and they have been amazingly successful at it.I have shown you enough testimonies from my students.Now, you dont need a prophet to tell you that this will work for you..

Click the button below to register and get the course while its still available

(Few slots available)

© 2023 Femisewo. All Rights Reserved. Please read the legal notice/Disclaimer below for further details.Unlelss otherwise stated, all names mentioned, images used etc on this internet page, are owned by Femisewo. No use of the items metioned above will be alowed without the prior notice of Femisewo.This website is not, in any way linked to Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Google, Tiktok nor the official CAC website. This website is a sole property of Femisewo

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